Thursday, May 30, 2019

Super-duper Teddy :: essays research papers

Wendy Abram February 9, 2000 Book Report (about aboy character) Title Super-Duper parapraxis Author JohannaHurwitz Setting The story takes place in Teddysneighborhood, Teddys apartment, and in Anitas house.Main Character The main character is Teddy. SupportingCharacters There are many supporting characters. They areTeddys mom his sister, Nora his neighbor, Anita hisfriend, Bryan his capsize, Mr. Hush and Anitas cat,Cassandra. Favorite Character My favorite character isTeddy because he always has his Super-Duper Cape. He isusu exclusivelyy shy except when he is wearing his cape. SummaryTeddy is a shy five year old boy who lives in an apartment.His sister, Nora is never shy. Teddy trounces invited to Bryansbirthday companionship but Teddy doesnt want to go. His momforces him to go and he ends up being the only other guest.After that, his mom goes to a wedding. His nanna andgrandpa visit for two nights. Teddy and Nora didnt like thebreakfast their grandparents made and they were b ored.When his mom came back, Teddy had to baby sit hisneighbor Anitas cat, Cassandra. He would get paid money.Cassandra makes a big mess but Teddy washes the mess upwith his cape. One day Teddy was very anxious to get a pet.When he and his mom were driving, Teddy saw a pet shopand they went in. Teddy spotted the perfect pet and theybought him. The pet was a turtle and Teddy named him Mr.Hush because he was so quiet. The next day, his substituteteacher said they were going to take a long walk because itwas a pretty day. When they were halfway done, Jerrythe fruit store keeper was blocking their way. Teddy sawfruit that looked like tiny oranges. Jerry said they were calledkumquats. Teddys apartment was justly across the streetfrom Jerrys store, so they went into his apartment. Whenthey went into the elevator, it got stuck. There was a redbutton that Teddy always wanted to push, and he finally gotto push it. When they all got to Teddys room, they atecookies and milk. The next day at school, Teddy was sohappy that he put his cape in the dress-up box.

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